JPlate Tabular 0.1


Welcome to the JPlate Tabular Project!  This subproject of JPlate provides tabular related functionality.  Here "tabular" refers to data organized into tables of records and fields, where each has a fixed delimiter:  for example, records delimited by "new lines" and fields delimited by commas.

Please note:    this documentation is a "work in progress" and will be enhanced when time permits - it is an initial version and much is missing (unit test cases, good Java documentation, etc).


There are three included parsers:

As a side note, CSV includes two parsers - one strictly adheres to RFC 4180, while the other is a more lax version similar both the CDV and TDV parsers.

Quick Start

This section illustrates how to quickly make use of the parsers described above.  However, remember that this is simply a "quick start" and does not explain how to use the complete Tabular library. 

There are a set of utility classes that make use of default implentations to create tables/lists from files, input streams, readers and strings.  By examining the source code for these classes, one can extrapolate how to extend or use the rest of the project.

Consider the following examples:

import java.util.List;

import org.jplate.tabular.util.JPlateCsvUtil;


    final File csvFile = new File ( "SomeFile.csv" );

    final List <List <String>> JPlateCsvUtil.getAsList ( csvFile );



import org.jplate.tabular.TableIfc;

import org.jplate.tabular.util.TdvUtil;


    final Socket tdvSocket = // Create socket in some fashion...

    final TableIfc TdvUtil.getAsTable (
tdvSocket.getInputStream () );


Please look to individual classes for more specific information.

Related Links

Tabular related links follow:

$Date: 2007-12-02 02:09:49 -0500 (Sun, 02 Dec 2007) $
$Revision: 443 $
$Author: sfloess $
$HeadURL: $ Logo