
Contains all JPlate parser related functionality.


Interface Summary
JPlateBuilderFactoryIfc<V extends JPlateBuilderIfc> Factory for creating implementations of JPlateBuilderIfc's.
JPlateBuilderIfc<V> This interface defines a builder.
JPlateListBuilderIfc<V> This interface defines a JPlate builder of List's.
JPlateMapBuilderIfc<K,V> This interface defines a JPlate builder of Map's.
JPlateParserFactoryIfc<V extends JPlateParserIfc<?>> Factory for creating implementations of JPlateParserIfc's.
JPlateParserIfc<B extends JPlateBuilderIfc<?>> Defines a parser who can parse from streams, readers, files and strings.

Exception Summary
JPlateBuildingException Thrown when there are problems building objects.
JPlateParsingException Thrown when there are problems parsing.

Package Description

Contains all JPlate parser related functionality. This project defines the following concepts:

Delegating parsing and building as described above keeps parsers fairly static by varying builder implementations based upon problem domain.

For example, consider the case where one uses tabbed delimited files for insertion into a database but decides to temporarily display the fields as found in the file (perhaps due to some errors in the data). The tabbed delimited parser can remain the same - it simply parses tabbed delimited streams. Two builder implementations can be written: one for database import, another for outputting the values found to the console.

    $Date: 2008-12-02 12:32:45 -0500 (Tue, 02 Dec 2008) $
    $Revision: 479 $
    $Author: sfloess $
    $HeadURL: $